MASSACHUSETTS Massachusetts Statutes, Chapter 272, Section 98A (last amended in 1981); and Chapter 151C, Section 2, Paragraph e, (1972) Massachusetts law guarantees a blind person the legal right to be accompanied by a dog guide in all public accommodations and on all public conveyances. No extra charge can be levied because of the dog's presence. Muzzling can be required. A blind person is guaranteed the right under Massachusetts law to be accompanied by a dog guide in an educational institution. (Chapter 151C, Par. e) Public accommodations include hotels, restaurants, stores, places of amusement, and all places to which the public is invited. (Chapter 272, *98A) Public conveyances include trains, airplanes, buses, taxis, and all common carriers. (Chapter 272, *98A) Violation: A person who interferes with the rights enumerated above is punishable by a fine not to exceed $300. (Chapter 272, *98A)